In this particular scenario, we assume that we are downloading Bluestacks emulator for our purpose and proceed.

There are too many options regarding emulator these days like Bluestacks, Youwave, Memu, Leapdroid, Andyroid, etc. You have the freedom to download and install any emulator of your choice. For downloading Google Allo for PC app as suggested above you first need an emulator. Have a look at some of the outstanding features of Google Duo PC app. Now this is just for video calling! So Google Duo for PC is itself unique by just providing video calling feature in its app. The video calls do not generally get interrupted in slow internet connections. Google Duo PC has a comparatively easier user interface. Other apps do not have features like Live Preview. The only requirement is to create an Android environment on PC and then use the app.

As of now, Google has till now decided to release it only for Android and iOS platforms but we can use it on our computer and laptops too. The main purpose of the Google Duo PC app is to make video calls. Recently Google has come up with two very useful apps Google Duo for Windows and Google Allo which have become quite popular in no time.